Steel & Metal Manufacturers and Suppliers
Iron & Steel manufacturers (Plates, belts, bars, coiled etc….)
Steel Structures
Sheet Metal
Pipes and Tubes
Stainless Steel
Wire, Cables
Ferrous and Non-ferrous metal production
Machinery & Technology for Steel & Metal
Automation & Instrumentations.
Energy Conservation.
Engineering and Design.
Environment protection.
Filtration & Separation.
Induction Furnace and Heat Treatment.
Project Management & Consultation.
Pumps & Valves.
Quality control.
Safety Equipment & Technology.
Scientific Research & Development.
Scrap Collecting and Recycling.
Smelting and Refining.
Data and Software technology.
CAD/CAM systems.
Gas Generation (Inert and Reaction gas., Regeneration Included).
Adhesives and Recycling.
Services, information and communication
Service and information
Engineering and consultancy offices
Maintenance and refurbishment of machines
Research and development
Education and training
Associations, institutions
Specialist publishing houses
Investment financing/leasing
Metallurgical Equipments & Technology
Foundry Machinery & Technology.
Welding Equipment &Technology.
Rolling Mill equipment’s.
Ancillary equipment and spare parts.
Metal Working Machinery & Technology
Bearing & Shafts.
Cutting, CNC, Shaping, Bending & Welding.
Extrusion, Drilling.
Sawing, Grinding.
Finished products, components, assemblies.
Flexible sheet metal working.
Forging, Casting equipment and accessories.
Forming, Drawing.
Foundry Engineering.
Furnace and Heat Treatment.
Gears, Motors & Compressors.
Joining, fastening.
Laser Cladding
Machine Tools and Dies.
Spray Painting Systems
Surface Treatment & Corrosion Technology.
Tube / Section processing
Vibrator De-burring Machines & Consumables.
Mechanical and hydraulic machines.
Machinery & Technology for Mineral Mining & Processing
Communication System & Technology.
Conveyor Belting & Components.
Cranes, Forklift & Trucks.
Drilling and Crushing.
Earth Moving Equipment and accessories.
Environment & Geology and Mining Related Services.
Fans and Dust Collectors.
Locomotives, Lubricants & Greases.
Mines Safety Equipment.
Process Control Systems.
Rock Drilling Equipment.