There are many ways of sourcing product and supplierinformation, but only exhibitions allow you to put a supplier’ claims comprehensively to the test – by examining the products for yourself, questioning their creators, and comparing and contrasting their performance.
Specifically, visitors attend Metal & Steel Egypt exhibition to:
See What’s New: Metal & Steel Exhibition is a recognized launch-pad for new products, and an extremely time-efficient way to keep up to date with the latest innovations.
Evaluate Products and Suppliers: You can compile a wide range of competitive information on products and suppliers in a concentrated period of time, decision makers are more likely to name Metal & Steel exhibition as an ‘extremely useful’ source of purchasing information than any other media.
Keep abreast of industry and market developments: Metal & Steel Exhibition is a rich source of new ideas and applications and, as such, plays an important role in strategic planning and business generation. Metal & Steel Event TEAM works closely with sponsoring trade and industry associations and the media.
To network with your business contacts: Metal & Steel Exhibition is a focal point for industry, attracting a broad cross-section of representatives, from buyers and sellers, to trade associations and the media. A full program of associated activities at Metal & Steel Exhibition event provides a wealth of additional networking opportunities.
Other common reasons for attending the exhibition include:
To complete overview of steel & metal industry in 3 days under one roof.
To hear the latest metallurgy industry news.
Tour the Metal & Steel Exhibition, showcasing hundreds of technology solutions & products.
Interview steel & metal operators, technology partners, and operations experts.
To compile a wide range of competitive information on products and Suppliers in a concentrated period of time.
To consolidate business relationships.
To solve specific problems.
To find new markets.
To appoint agents/seek principals.
To discuss specific terms/conditions/pricing.
To obtain technical knowledge.
To discuss business needs in a neutral environment.